Sabtu, 27 April 2013


Obyek wisata Owabong terletak di Jl. Raya Owabong 1, Kecamatan Bojongsari-Purbalingga. Owabong baru diresmikan 18- Maret 2005. Hanya dengan merogoh kocek Rp.20.000-25.000 Anda sudah bisa menikmati beragam wahana yang disediakan. Sebagian besar wahana mengetengahkan sarana air. Mulai dari Olimpyc Pool yang berupa kolam renang profesional, Kolam Arus, menikmati gebyuran air di wahana Ember Tumpah, Pesta Air hingga miniatur Pantai Bebas Tsunami. Miniatur pantai ini sangat luas mencapai 1.200 m2 lengkap dengan pasir putih dan gelombang buatan. Jika Anda cukup nyali, fasilitas Waterboom bisa menjadi ajang pacu adrenalin. Dengan menaiki spiral waterslide dan torpedo waterslide setinggi 13 m, jantung Anda dijamin akan berdenyut kencang. Berenang sepuasnya di Owabong tidak akan membuat mata Anda perih apalagi kulit bersisik. Anda justru akan merasakan sensasi sejuk dan segar ketika Anda menceburkan diri ke air. Ini semua karena sumber air diambil dari mata air alami tanpa kaporit atau penjernih air. Owabong menawarkan berbagai wahana wisata air:

1. Water Boom
Ada dua pilihan waterboom, jika anda tidak takut ketinggian silahkan gunakan prosotan yang tinggi. Jika anda gak berani yang tinggi, owabong juga menyediakan water boom yang sedang-sedang saja. Pacu andrenalin Anda dengan menaiki spiral Waterslide dan Torpedo Waterslide dengan ketinggian 13 meter.
2. Ember Tumpah

Nikmati sensasi ketumpahan air satu ember besar. Siap-siap berteriak keras ketika air sudah memenuhi  sebuah ember besar yang digantung pada kedua tiang besi disisi kolam air. Rasakan sejuknya, teriak sekencang-kencangnya dan BYURRRRRRRRRRRRR!

3. Pantai Bebas Tsunami
Ya ini nama yang fenomenal. Semua orang Indonesia pasti dah kenal dengan istilah Tsunami. Maka dari itu owabong juga mengenalkannya disini, pantai bebas tsunami. Ya sekedar kolam luas dengan limpahan air yang sangat sejuk dan dingin. Di hari minggu atau hari-hari libur nasional, rasakan meriahnya acara bagi-bagi hadiah dari pengelola owabong. Seorang petugas owabong akan menggantungkan dirinya di kabel flying fox sambil membawa berbagai macam hadiah. Pada jam tertentu, pengunjung owabong akan diminta berkumpul di kolam bebas tsunami. Petugas yang sudah bersiap di kabel flying fox akan melemparkan hadiah ke kolam. Dan pengunjung yang jumlahnya ratusan pun akan berteriak dan saling berebut menangkap hadiah. Siapa cepat menangkapnya, dialah yang beruntung. Siap-siaplah berbasah-basah dan dapatkan kesempatan menangkap hadiah menarik dari pengelola owabong!
4. Kolam Olympic
Kolam olympic merupakan kolam renang berstandar internasional dengan ukuran 21 x 50 meter, 8 lintasan dengan kedalaman minimal 120 cm dan maksimal 225 cm.
5. Flying Fox
Pacu adrenalin Anda dengan terbang melintasi pantai bebas tsunami. Jangan takut, jika ini pertama kali bagi anda, 2 orang petugas sudah siap membantu anda di kolam bebas tsunami. Alat keselamatan juga wajib dipakai sebelum anda memulai permainan ini. Safety First!
6. 3D/4D Movie Theater
Nah! tepat dibawah landasan sebelum naik flying fox ada gedung fil 3D dan 4D. Anda bisa menikmati serunya film animasi bersama keluarga dan orang terdekat di hati tentunya. :)
7. Kolam Sesat
Kolam yang berisi air yang dingin ini merupakan kolam untuk bermain jungkat-jungkit air (Sea Saw) dan Water Ball. Sebuah balon besar akan disediakan dengan suplai udara yang cukup. Pengunjung yang tertarik bisa masuk ke dalam balon besar itu dan menikmati sensasinya. Ada lagi yang namanya sea saw, ajak teman-teman lainnya dan bisa saling menjungkat-jangkit sebuah karet besar dan panjang, kaya perahu karet. Pokoknya asyik!
8. Kolam Pesta Air
Ternyata pesta nggak mesti di hotel, gedung atau kebun. Pesta itu bisa juga di air lho! Wahana ini disebut juga dengan Istana air. Sebuah wahana air yang dipadukan dengan arena bermain anak-anak, hujan-hujanan, luncuran, dan dapat dipakai untuk terapi air.
9. Kanal Arus
Nikmati dunia petualangan air dengan berpetualang melintasi kanal arus sepanjang 200 meter. Wahana ini merupakan wahana yang sangat menarik. Anda akan berkeliling di kanal ini menggunakan Perahu Kayak, Banana Boat, dan Pelampung. Ajak semua anggota keluarga anda dan bermain bersama!
10. Kolam Akhir
Kolam ini merupakan kolam yang diatasnya ada ember tumpah. Kolam ini juga dilengkapi dengan Trampolin dan Big Pillow (Bantal Besar). Anda bisa melompat dari ketinggian dan menjatuhkan diri anda ke sebuah bantal berukuran besar. Jika anda tidak beruntung maka anda akan jatuh ke air. Tapi asyik kok, paling-paling basah kuyub. Asyiik!
11. Kolam Renang Dangkal
Bagi anak-anak yang suka berenang, bisa menikmati kolam ini. Kalau yang dewasa bisa menikmati renangnya di kolam olympic.
12. Gokart
Ya! Permainan ini mungkin gak ada hubungannya dengan air. Tapi permainan ini bisa menjadi acara rehat sejenak sebelum melanjutkan ke wahana air selanjutnya. Cukup membayar 50 ribu rupiah, anda bisa memulai sebuah tantangan layaknya pembalap Formula-1.
13. Fish Spa
Jika anda sudah membayar saat masuk pintu utama owabong, maka anda harus membayar lagi sebesar 15 ribu rupiah per orang untuk bisa menikmati terapi ikan ala fish spa. Spesies ikan yang hidup di Turki, Irak, Iran dan Syria dan bisa hidup dengan suhu 43 derajat celcius, konon bisa mengobati penyakit kulit. Jangan takut! Ikan-ikan ini tak akan membuat kaki, tangan atau badan anda berdarah-darah. Ikan-ikan ini tak akan menggigit. Tapi siap-siap aja anda merasakan Gelinya jilatan ikan-ikan ini!
14. Cottage
Bagi anda yang datang dari luar kota, anda bisa menikmati owabong untuk beberapa hari. Tenang saja, owabong juga menyediakan penginapan yang sangat representative dan nyaman. Daftar harga cottage bisa dilihat di link ini Cottage Tariff


A goodwill letter is a letter written by a company to built good relationship, create good reputation, and show friendlines with other company in business. Good will brings in new business and strengthens old business relation. Goodwil letters have tremendous impact on business. Goodwil correspondence consists of such letter as letter of congratulation, appreciation, regret, sympathy, gratitude, condolence, etc. These should be sent out as there are occasion.
Goodwill letter are very much appreciated. They should always be brief, prompt, courteous, friendly informal and sincere. It is better if they are handwrittten. They often result in appreciable increase in all your business and profits. The main purpose of these letters is to build goodwill and sell a good reputation and friendliness of organisation. They create more friends and customers and retain the old ones.

1)      Congratulation Letter

Congratulation letter is used to praise an individual's accomplishments or success. It is a simple way of expressing your appreciation for the person who beholds commendable qualities and extra-ordinary abilities that helped to achieve high success in life. This is a very personal and friendly letter that should behold lot of enthusiasm and congratulatory expression for the reader without showcasing any signs of jealousy.
There are many reasons or situations that come across when you feel like writing one such letter for your friend, loved one, or any relative. Some of the most popular situations wherein the needs to write congratulation letters seem more justified are:
  1. Starting a new business
  2. Friend or associate getting promotion
  3. Winning an award or any kind of Honor
  4. Doing something extraordinary, etc.

Tips for Writing Congratulations Letters 

• Congratulate the reader for her achievement, accomplishment, anniversary,new child, or whatever.
• Tell her where you learned about the accomplishment.
• Add a comment of a personal nature (e.g., if the reader is a former teacher,tell him how much being in his class meant to you).

2)      Appreciation Letter
Business appreciation letters are familiar between various organizations, where they thank and appreciate the other company for some good reason. If few or many company complete a project together, each company appreciate the other for rendering a valuable work.
Writing an appreciation letter is a professionally meant letter for saying thank you. Here the writer views to the reader some good qualities of the reader which has come into the vicinity of the management. By reading appreciation letter, one hope is developed thus motivating the reader for more hard work and more successful life ahead. These letters always glitters honesty and sincerity from organization point of view. Appreciation letters are a bit lengthy though it has to bring tehe fact towards the reader about which work of his is appreciated by the management.

Here are some excellent tips to constructing an effective appreciation letter:
* The most important aspect of writing an appreciation letter is delivering thanks at the right time. A prompt response is always appreciated and admired.
* Start the letter by addressing it to someone whom you want to heartily thank.
* Be to the point and expressively state the reason why you want to show gratitude.
* Explain the reader all the special moments when his or her help has made a significant influence in your life.
* Be direct and concise. Don't use any kind of flowery language and fancy fonts.
* Remember the reader would love to feel special by you appreciation. He or she is not interested in knowing how colorful and creative you are in your writing.
* In your statements, use words of admiration, gratitude, recognition, and intimacy.
* Don't use words and statements that are difficult to understand and co-relate.
* Be honest and sincere because most of the time people can read your lies in your words and statements. Always keep in mind it's not hard to catch a lie.
* Don't say thanks beforehand. Thanking in advance for any prospective support or help is presumptuous.
* Also keep in mind that whatever you choose to write can help strengthen your bonding with that specified person.
* Close your letter on a positive note accompanied with warm regards and best wishes for continued success and happiness.

3)      Regret Letter
A regret letter is one kind of formal letter to intimate your negative decision. Through this letter, you can tell someone of your decision to turn down an opportunity or negate any step that is about to be taken. Regret letter is a letter by which you can decline any type of invitation too. Actually, this is a formal notice from you to the sender but the style of the notice depends on the people involved and type of the occasion.

Tips for Writing a Business Apology Letter:
  • Do not make excuses. Take full responsibility for the mistake.
  • Share the steps that will be taken to make sure the same mistake is not made in the future.
  • Offer the customer something (either in cash or in kind) to make up for this mistake and to accommodate what he or she experienced.
  • Close the letter respectfully and mention you would like to continue to work with them.

4)      Sympathy Letter
Business sympathy letter is written to the known company owner on his huge business loss. Through this letter you must try to give him sympathy and comfort on his big loss. You should give him believe that he will cover this loss in the next financial year. Tell him to have belief in God and do hard work to achieve his goals.

Example :

Rick M. Whitefield
2256 School House Road
Jackson, MS 39211

8th June, 2010

Dear Mr. Rick

I got the sad news from annual report that you had a huge financial loss in this financial year because of fraud done by your manager. It is very important to have faithful employees in the company so you must give a punishment to your manager on his fraud.

Please accept my deepest sympathy in your sad time. I pray to God that you can recover this loss in next financial year. So, have faith in God and do your hard work to again take your business at peak. Please tell me if you want any help.

Your sincerely,


5)      Gratitude Letter
By definition, letters of thanks are most often written for personal situations as opposed to business situations. In contrast, letters of thanks for business situations are most often referred to as appreciation letters, or letters of appreciation. Due to their business nature, these types of thank you letter tend to be written more formally than personal thank you letters.

Tips to write gratitude letter:

1.      Make it fresh & friendly

Write the letter as if you were speaking with a friend. Don’t worry about writing perfect sentences. If it’s difficult to write or taking too long, you’re thinking too much. Let the words flow from you. The last thing you want is for the letter to sound like it was mass produced by a bureaucracy.

2.      Make it personal

You never ever want to address your letter: “Dear Supporter.” Instead, use the person’s name. Also include the gift amount and any other details that will make the donor feel like the letter was intended for them, not just some random supporter.

3.      Create continuity

Be sure to coordinate the thank you letter with the original appeal. For instance, if the original appeal asked for money to save the whales, the thank you letter should mention how much this is going to help the whales.

4.      Show appreciation

This one seems pretty obvious, but showing appreciation is about more than just saying “thank you.” It’s about letting donors know that their donation is going to play a vital role in allowing you to do good and that your organization wouldn’t be able to continue its valuable mission without generous people like them.

5.      Tell donors how their donation will be used

You want donors to be able to visualize their donation at work so that they can get real gratification out of the act of giving. For that reason, be sure to tell donors how their donation will be used and reassure them that it will be used as they intended. If you can include pictures showing their donation at work, all the better. It will increase the likelihood that they will donate again.

6.      Make it authentic

Be sure to use a real signature from someone of importance in the organization and whom donors will recognize. On the envelope, use real stamps and labels. Labels work better than peek envelopes which appear mass produced. If it’s possible, include a personal hand-written note. Long-time donors will really appreciate this.

7.      Invite the donor to connect

Keep the conversation going by inviting the donor to call or visit the organization. Donors will appreciate this as you are showing an interest in them and their connection to the organization as a donor and partner.

8.      Get it out fast

Try to send out thank you letters within 48 hours of the donation. For some organizations this will be impossible, but remember that sooner is better. Donors not only want to feel appreciated soon after the act of giving, but they want to be reassured that you got their donation.

6)      Condolence Letter
A letter of condolence, or condolence letter, in a business situation, should be a direct, short, and sincere. These letters are also sometimes referreed to as sympathy letters, or letters of sympathy. Business condolence letters are normally typewritten on corporate letterhead paper. The sample letter of condolence below is typical of a business condolence situation.

Quick Tips for Writing Condolence Notes:
  • Don’t write your letter in a formal or stiff manner.  A great way to determine if your letter sounds natural and genuine is to read it out loud.  It should sound as if you are simply speaking to the recipient. 
  • Avoid mentioning anything other than the deceased and wishing the recipient well. For instance, adding details about your family or asking questions unrelated to the loss is not a good idea.
  • Follow through with any offer you make to the recipient.  If you offer to call them in a few days to check in with them, make sure you do so.  If you offer to baby-sit their children, make sure you follow up with a phone call in a few days and reiterate the offer.  If you can’t follow through with something, don’t offer it in the letter.
  • Write your condolence letter or note on pretty stationary or paper.  You can even opt for a sympathy card, but insert your letter rather than writing the entire thing on the card.

Example :
November 30, 20xx
Mr. Jim Hollingsworth
President and CEO
Penn Manufacturing Inc.
1260 North Washington Avenue
Scranton, Pennsylvania 18503
Dear Jim:

Please accept my sincere condolences for the sudden loss of your dear brother Ray last week. I can only imagine what a shock it must be to you and the PMI extended family. Indeed, it was only two weeks ago that Ray and I shared a table at the Mayor's annual fundraiser.

I know what a difficult loss this will be for you in particular. Not only will you miss your cherished brother but also a trusted business partner and advisor. I can only imagine the depth of the void that it will leave in your personal, family, and business lives.

As you know, Ray and I go back more than 20 years both as friends and business associates. Not only was he a great person to do business with, he was also an excellent golfing partner with whom I spent many memorable days on the links over the years. He had an amazing sense of humor and was a gifted storyteller. In business dealings Ray was always straightforward and as honest as the day is long. In short, your brother Ray was an exceptional friend, colleague and customer who will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

Would you please pass on my sincere condolences to all of the employees at Penn Manufacturing and let them know that we here at Allied Building Systems collectively mourn Ray's loss.

Sincere condolences,

Brad Fender
7)      Invitation Letter
Invitation letter is a key business marketing letter that is typically used to invite clients or customers to participate in special business events.To help you right an effective invitation letter, given below are certain points you can easily refer to:
1.      The date and day of the occasion is the most important information to be included. Invitees can reschedule their programs to be present at the event. In formal letter, absence of such key information makes your appear unprofessional. Ideally, for maximum participation, events should be organized on any convenient day, weekends, or national holidays.
2.      You may be well-versed with your area but the invitee may be visiting the place for the first time. Therefore, ensure to give the complete accurate address of the venue. If you feel that the invitees will find it difficult to reach the venue, then get a map of the venue printed on the invitation letter.
3.      To help invitees from the embarrassment of reaching the venue late or very early, it is important to mention the time slots of all the programs of the event. For example, opening ceremony between 7 p.m.-8 p.m., speech by a distinguished guest between 8.00-9.00 p.m. and so on. 
4.      If the event is organized around a theme, then it must be stated. For example, a theme can be "Pink is the Color of the Day." 
5.      If you intend not to receive any gifts, it is important to mention about the same. 
6.      It is always advisable to give your phone numbers, so that the invitees can contact you for any assistance. 
7.      Ensure that the letters reach the invitees much before the special day. Accordingly, they can plan their day and attend the function.

Kunci Untuk Disegani, Dikagumi dan Dihormati

Untuk menjadi disegani, dikagumi dan dihormati yang anda butuhkan bukan mengubah sikap menjadi dingin. Tapi sebaliknya tingkatkanlah rasa persaudaraan anda. Dan janganlah suka memanfaatkan orang lain, tapi jadikanlah diri bermanfaat bagi orang lain. Orang yang baik adalah orang yang mau mendengarkan nasehat dan perkataan orang lain. Bukan menjadi pribadi yang so tahu. Jika ada seseorang berbicara kepada anda tapi sebenarnya anda telah mengetahui apa yang dia bicarakan janganlah anda menyela atau memotong pembicaraannya. Tapi berpura-puralah tidak tahu, karena itu akan membuat dirinya berharga dan dihargai. Tingkatkanlah kepercayaan dirinya dan dengarkanlah dengan seksama. Karena orang yang hebat adalah orang yang bersedia menghebatkan orang lain. bukan iri dan bukan menjatuhkan orang lain. Bantulah orang-orang disekeliling tanpa pamrih dan ikhlas. Maka tanpa disadari, akan banyak orang-orang yang segan, kagum dan menghormati anda. Tetaplah menjadi orang yang baik meski dunia tidak baik kepada anda.